Jake Ian Cassidy Hughes arrived on 20th June 2006. Born in Hertfordshire, England at 5.45pm by emergency c-section. He weighed a healthy 7lb 4oz.... and is absolutely lovely.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Week 16

Apologies for the delay in setting up another post.

Nothing really new to report.

Well, I still look fat - can't say that you'd just look at me and assume I am pregnant. I'm hoping this will change in the next week or two as I honestly cannot stretch the jeans any further around my waistline. Looks like a fat chick not admitting she's fat and wants to wear jeans that are 2 sizes smaller.

Since going back to work I have moved to the other office (Stevenage) which is ALOT closer to home. No more commuting to London everyday - yipee! Stevenage is around a 20-25 min drive from our place - makes a big difference when you leave the house at 9am as opposed to 7.45am everyday - and getting home at just around 6 instead of 7. I am still Producer for the Kids channels on the platform and this is going ok - I must admit I'm actually enjoying it more now that I'm closer to home.....not as fired up about things.

We've looked at a house on the other side of town which we hope we will get - our flat is just too small now and isn't the best place for a baby. Plus, our 'lovely' neighbour upstairs is going to get a good bollocking one of these days from me - and who wants to be in the cross-fire of a pregnant Scorpio. He is a dead-set twat. Funnily enough (thanks to his bed partner) we know his name is Tony - I'm sure he'll be puzzled when I call him by his name once I have a word. The house is a lovely 2 bedroom terrace with a garden!! Yipee - god, I'd love a garden. So come summer, we could actually have a BBQ.

Ian is also 16 weeks pregnant - he says to say that his sickness has died down alot but he is getting alot of back-ache. His bump is growing better than mine. He thinks he has felt it kick also. I will post both our pics - you need to guess which is which. Please note: I'm the one without a hairy belly....although.....he he he.

Well will hopefully update soon with other news - our next scan is 15th February and we are going to discover the sex if BH behaves. Bets are on that we are having a boy but a few of you have the pink preview.

BTW - congratulations to Kim & Craig in Singapore. They had little (8-pounder) boy named Ryan on 9th January. Can't wait to hear how it's all going Kimmy.

Anyhow, love to everyone and I'll be on here again soon.



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