Jake Ian Cassidy Hughes arrived on 20th June 2006. Born in Hertfordshire, England at 5.45pm by emergency c-section. He weighed a healthy 7lb 4oz.... and is absolutely lovely.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Week 6


Jake is a lot more chubbier now and is getting rather heavy to carry. He is growing well (now 10lbs) and for some reason is above the average length for his age.....Ian and I aren't tall!

We are all doing well - thank god the hot weather has cooled down. It has been a sweltering 35 degrees every day for about 3 weeks but now is a rather chilly 24. We are expecting a very hot August as well - so bring your summer gear Mum & Chris.

We've been meeting up with the ladies from the ante-natal group and there's alot of babies now - can't believe some ladies that were due same time as me have babies nearly a month younger than Jake.

He is also now starting to interact (a little).....he enjoys his bottom lip jiggled and his tongue being put back in his mouth - finds it hilarious.

Enjoy the pics and will update again in week 8.

Sarah, Ian & Jakey-san


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