Jake Ian Cassidy Hughes arrived on 20th June 2006. Born in Hertfordshire, England at 5.45pm by emergency c-section. He weighed a healthy 7lb 4oz.... and is absolutely lovely.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Week 2 - what's been happening

Not alot really.

We spend most our time feeding, sleeping, farting, pooing and vomitting. Mixed in with an English heatwave at the moment it hasn't been that pleasant for young Jakey (averaging 30 degrees C everyday over the past week and for the week ahead). When I asked he brought the sunshine with him, well he didn't have to go that far!

We've been to the pub, met up with the other ladies from the ante-natal club (scaring them with the birth story as they're all still pregnant), having BBQ's and mummy singing Neil Finn songs badly.

I've already got my birth certificate, so next we have to make me Australian too.

Must go coz mummy needs to finish making up my next feed. Nanna & Grandad Hughes are coming down tomorrow which should be fun.

Love Jakey


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