Jake Ian Cassidy Hughes arrived on 20th June 2006. Born in Hertfordshire, England at 5.45pm by emergency c-section. He weighed a healthy 7lb 4oz.... and is absolutely lovely.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Week 8

God 2 weeks flies doesn't it!

Little man 2 months old - can't believe it. He is hilarious and now he enjoys his bum being powdered after his bath and coos and aahs with some giggles when this happens......good luck to his numerous girlfriends when he's older (?!)

Mum and Chris arrive on Saturday - can't believe it. It'll be really nice to see them and also very emotional for mum seeing her new grandson. Pictures to follow obviously in due course.

Ian and I are fine.....not alot to report. My days are filled with smelly nappies, feeding (and he is one hungry baby - we reckon he'll be eating with a knife and fork at Xmas) and trying to manage to get a shower and changed when possible. Jake and I are frequenting the cafe's and bars of Hertford every day and he is forever flirting with the ladies down at the chemist and post office (yes, the highlights of my day - I seem to be constantly in these 2 places!).

Ian is a god as he cooks tea every night although he thinks he's Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen....swearing sometimes included.

Gotta run as little boy needs a feed and a bath but here are some more pics to entertain you all. Oh yes, he is officially an Aussie now too. Australia House in London have granted him citizenship.....will post photos in due course of his ceremony too.

Love to all,

Sez, Ian & Jakey


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